Routines Create Super Achievers

Routines optimise time and energy

Thomas Oppong
Personal Growth


Artwork: Portrait of Benjamin Franklin by David Martin

We all have routines — getting up, brushing our teeth, eating breakfast, going to work — but have you ever stopped to think about why? Routines make life easier and help us achieve goals. They help us structure our day, save time and energy, and give us a sense of control.

Whether it’s an entrepreneur looking to make their mark, a student striving for academic excellence, or an athlete aiming for greatness, a well-defined routine changes everything.

From setting aside time for exercise and self-care to creating a daily to-do list to get things done, creating a routine can help you stay stay on track.

“A daily routine built on good habits and disciplines separates the most successful among us from everyone else. The routine is exceptionally powerful,” says Darren Hardy.

By regularly engaging in good behaviours, habits and rituals, we develop patterns of thought and behaviour that become ingrained in our character. In other words, our habits shape who we are.

To achieve goals, then, is to cultivate a set of habits that align with the outcome you expect. It means to behave consistently in a certain way. Success, then, is a journey and a series of actions that requires time, effort and consistent practice.



Thomas Oppong
Personal Growth

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