
Struggling to articulate everything I feel from the past few days about faith, mental health, equality, and resilience. Here is my humble offering

Dr. Furaha Asani
Personal Growth
2 min readJun 13, 2016


I took off my clothes because I wanted to

show you that we’re the same, or similar

in the hopes that seeing something familiar

would make both of us feel less insecure…

tell me, what do you think of my skin?

The pressures from outside and inside weighed heavily

so I ran to you because you have found a safe place

and I wondered and pondered if you’d be willing to share some space

because my nakedness is in need of some covering grace

tell me, what do you think of my skin?

The life I am living seems so different from yours

so we watch one another from a distance and conjure up fears

and turn our backs to pretend like we’re both not crying rivers of tears

so we’ve allowed these to build up a wall of hatred accumulated over years

tell me, is my “sin” really that different from your “sin?”

So do my bumps and bruises frighten and tighten your chest

sisters and brothers, what really causes you to push me away

does my nakedness remind you that we are all made of clay

it is not enough that only when I’m gone you should pray

tell me, what do you think of my skin?



Dr. Furaha Asani
Personal Growth

Migrant. Postdoctoral researcher. Teacher. Mental Health Advocate. Writer. Professional in the streets, loud on the sheets of paper.