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The #1 Rule of Fasting

Always be Safe. Be smart.

Dr. Jason Fung
Published in
7 min readJan 4, 2018


As we start the new year, many people are looking to lose weight. Fasting, the voluntary abstention from eating is an ancient weight loss method with a long track record of success. However, many people forget the cardinal rule of fasting, or indeed, of any kind of dietary change — always make sure you are doing it safely.

I highly recommend a great new documentary now available for purchase/ rent online called Fasting — The Movie. It presents the science of fasting and how people can lose weight and even reverse many metabolic diseases such as type 2 diabetes and its related conditions. Given the importance of these diseases in modern day medicine, this is nothing short of revolutionary. However, taken to an extreme, fasting can also have its dangers.

This is true not just for fasting but for anything. If you take veganism to an extreme, you may put yourself in danger, for example…



Dr. Jason Fung
Personal Growth

Nephrologist. New York Times best selling author. Interest in type 2 diabetes reversal and intermittent fasting. Founder