Om Baba
Personal Growth
Published in
2 min readJan 1, 2016


Image courtesy: Peter Cutler

The Harmony of Renewal

Our life will constantly alternate between harvesting and reaping, action and inaction, work and rest, company and aloneness, lack and abundance and so on and for each one there is a unique renewal cycle as such. The “Great Way” or the “Tao” as Lao Tzu called it is finding that delicate thread to walk on in which our individual expressions are in harmony with the universal current of renewal. Every time a new facet of our life harmonizes with this current, a very deep cleansing feeling of vitality is released. This feeling is called bliss. In this unity we are for the first time initiated. Initiated to a path that continually and infinitely reveals what meaning is, what beauty is, and what love is.

Ultimately, all of us seek unity with this universal current whichever path we are called to tread. Every one and every thing around us in one aspect or another is on the path of harmonizing with life and they can be our teachers for that moment. In our hearts we recognize this very well and bow down to those that are able to find unity with life even in one aspect of their lives and this is the true meaning of respect. We are internally engineered to seek unity with this harmony and this is the invitation of bliss each moment brings. We just need to look around and there are clues everywhere.

This is the great calling of life and I hope we all find it in us somewhere to have the courage, wisdom and the love to answer it in some way.

May we all be happy
Happy new year

