The Multi-Perspective Mindset: How to Navigate The Realities of Life

Our life is only perception

Thomas Oppong
Personal Growth


Photo: MoteOo/Pixabay

An old story about the blind men and an elephant goes like this: One day, an elephant was passing through a forest.

All of the local villagers were delighted to see the huge animal, as they had never seen such an animal in their town before.

The excited villagers rushed out of their homes to see the elephant. They were all equally excited about this animal, but for different reasons.

The blind men were quite excited about the elephant, too.They felt that the elephant was quite large.

The first blind man reached out to touch the elephant’s side, and he said, “It’s so smooth and round. It feels like a large ball.” The second blind man reached out to touch the elephant’s leg, and he said, “It’s so smooth and round. It feels like a large cylinder.”

The third blind man reached out to touch the elephant’s ear, and he said, “It’s so smooth and round. It feels like a large fan.”

Finally, the fourth blind man reached out to touch the elephant’s tail, and he said, “It’s so smooth and round. It feels like a large rope.”

The story of the blind men has been told for centuries.



Thomas Oppong
Personal Growth

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