The Remarkable Truth about Trust

Build relationships, not transactions

Gustavo Razzetti
Personal Growth


Friends of schoolchildren throw up a girl at sunset. Source: Adobe Stock

“Often expectation fails.” — William Shakespeare

Trust is the intersection of hope and fear — we want the best but think the worst can happen.

What comes first, to trust or to be trusted?

Most of us are uncertain about who to trust. It’s not always clear when trust is appropriate. Or how much risk we should take. But, mistrust is harmful — we cannot enjoy life if we are suspicious.

Trust is the glue that holds people together — from chance encounters, work relationships, friendships or intimate ones. It’s the foundation of human connections. Trust gives us permission to act freely.

As Abraham Lincoln said, “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.”

Trust is a risky game. But, approaching it with a transactional mentality won’t increase your odds. Focus on building relationships rather than on what others give you. You can’t expect others to be trustworthy if you don’t trust them first.

Trusting people is the most logical thing to do.

The Price of Empathy



Gustavo Razzetti
Personal Growth

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