The three mindsets that highly successful people have

John Fawkes
Personal Growth
Published in
5 min readApr 15, 2017


Credit: Jeremy Bishop

“Once your mindset changes, everything on the outside will change along with it.” ― Steve Maraboli

There are three big mindsets that nearly all highly successful people adopt over the course of their lives.

All three of these mindsets are counterintuitive, and completely different from the way that most people think. The last one, in particular, is rare because it goes directly against the basic tendencies of the human ego.

In this article, I’ll explain what these mindsets are, how successful people think about them, and how to utilize them in practical situations.

They’re crystal clear on why they do things

“When your values are clear to you, making decisions becomes easier.” — Roy E. Disney

When most people take action, they have only vague goals. When highly successful people set out on a certain course of action, they know exactly why they’re doing it and what result they’re aiming for.

If someone is totally clear about why they’re doing something, they can explain the precise chain of events that they expect to result from it. Here’s how the “why” of highly successful people differs from that of most people:



John Fawkes
Personal Growth

Los Angeles-based freelance writer, photographer and marketing consultant.