This Is How Ghosts Make You Sick

How to win the battle between gravity and grace

John P. Weiss
Personal Growth
Published in
6 min readJan 23, 2021


Illustration by John P. Weiss

Sometimes I spot a flock of birds, departing in mass from the branches of a barren winter tree. It always feels like a sad event to me.

Where once the birds seemed to provide warmth and company to the tree, now they are gone. Like departing souls of those we have loved and lost.

The branches, stripped of their leaves, are abandoned and alone now. Not unlike people, still of sound mind and limbs, but devoid of warmth and color.

Photo: Ray Hennessy

Trees need only wait until Spring, and their leaves return. So do the birds, to build nests and begin life anew.

The question is whether we can wait until Spring, after the birds have flown from our souls. After the hardships and loss of loved ones, can we endure the winter long enough for the promise of Spring, with its gifts of renewal and hope?

The answer is yes, we can make it to Spring. We may miss the birds who have flown away, but to carry on, we must make peace with their ghosts.

Fighting epic personal battles



John P. Weiss
Personal Growth

I write books, stories and essays about life, often illustrated with my photography and artwork.