This Is Yourself Under Pressure

How to recover peace of mind.

Gustavo Razzetti
Personal Growth


How your mind feels when under pressure — Pic by Buzz Andersen

“ Pressure pushing down on me. It’s the terror of knowing what the world is about. Insanity laughs under pressure we’re breaking. This is ourselves under pressure.” — Queen & David Bowie

The pressure of life affects everyone.

You are supposed to perform at your best in all life’s stages — work, school, family, friends, you name it. External expectations are a moving target — they’ll make you anxious and desperate regardless of how good your act is.

Your mind is like a pressure cooker about to explode.

You are by yourself dealing with this alone. Nobody performs better under pressure. Actually, what’s the purpose of life if you can’t enjoy it?

This is yourself under pressure.

Release the energy before it’s too late.

Stress and Pressure are two different animals

“If the problem can be solved why worry? If the problem cannot be solved worrying will do you no good.” — Śāntideva

We often use ‘stress’ and ‘pressure’ interchangeably. “Working in a stressful job” or “feeling under pressure” are related, but are not…



Gustavo Razzetti
Personal Growth

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