The Wisdom of Thinking for Yourself In An Age of Experts

Who is the real “you?”

Thomas Oppong
Personal Growth


Photo: Haitham/Unsplash

In a world where most people unquestioningly accept what they are told, independent thinkers are a rare breed.

Rational sceptics and free thinkers choose to challenge common wisdom to find themselves and sometimes discover better knowledge that changes the course of history.

The aim of human life is to know thyself,” says Timothy Leary.

Einstein, Da Vinci, Marie Currie, and Stephen Hawking maintained their intellectual curiosity for years to find epic ideas that changed how we think or perceive scientific ideas.

The ability to think for oneself is one of the most essential skills for a successful life.

Too often, we are told what to think. We are given the “correct” answer and expected to just accept it. But real thinkers don’t take things at face value.

They challenge common wisdom and ask questions. They seek out better knowledge and ideas, even if they are unpopular or go against the grain.

If you want to be a truly independent thinker, you have to be willing to think for yourself.

What it means to think for yourself

“Where do you need to think for…



Thomas Oppong
Personal Growth

Making the wisdom of great thinkers instantly accessible. As seen on Forbes, Inc. and Business Insider. For my popular essays, go here: