What’s One Powerful Piece of Advice for Living a Fulfilling Life?

My best answers to 9 life questions from a reader

John P. Weiss
Personal Growth
Published in
6 min readAug 6, 2021


Artwork by John P. Weiss

Last year I almost made a major mistake with my website blog.

As a full-time writer and artist, I look for ways to simplify and streamline my creative process. Accordingly, I considered axing blog comments from my website.

Poking around the Internet I noticed a lot of top bloggers who don’t include comments from readers. Bloggers like James Clear, Michael Hyatt, and Seth Godin.

Best-selling author and marketing guru Neil Patel wrote a whole blog post about the pros and cons of blog comments. Stuff like social proof versus spam, and reader engagement versus moderation time.

In the end, I decided to retain blog comments on my website because I learn a great deal from readers. They share stories and provide feedback that inspires me to write better blog posts.

Such was the case with one reader, who politely asked if I would answer nine questions about life. The questions were great prompts for me to share my best life wisdom.

What follows are the questions and answers. I took the liberty here to update and expand on my answers, but the essence is the same.



John P. Weiss
Personal Growth

I write books, stories and essays about life, often illustrated with my photography and artwork. JohnPWeiss.com.