You Can’t Change without Transforming Your World

Get out of your mental cocoon.

Gustavo Razzetti
Personal Growth


Pic by Suzanne D. Williams /Unsplash

“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” — George Bernard Shaw

We want to change without the effort. We want the lesson without leaving our mental cocoon.

That’s why people fail — they are looking for fixes, not real transformation.

Take meditation, for example. People want to beat anxiety, but not to train their minds. Breathing is easy; confronting our thoughts without judging them, not so much.

Some folks want to become more productive but don’t want to let go of bad habits. Others wish to lose weight without giving up their favorite dessert. Managers want their teams to take the initiative but don’t let go of power.

People enwrap themselves in a mental cocoon — they isolate in a personal oasis. They want to change without the growing pains.

We can’t expect a different outcome if we don’t modify our thinking first. We must get out of our mental cocoon.

Attachment Is Mental Slavery



Gustavo Razzetti
Personal Growth

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