You Will Always Suck at What You Do, Until You Do This

Cammi Pham
The Unlearner
Published in
3 min readDec 24, 2015


BY CAMMI PHAM — First appeared on my personal blog

Your first 100 blog posts will mostly suck.

Your first 100 podcasts will mostly suck too.

Your first 100 talks will not be perfect.

Your first 100 videos will be nightmares.

Nobody can pick up a ball and become a pro basketball player overnight.

Nobody can pick up a pen, then write and win a Pulitzer Prize right away.

Nobody is interesting during their first interview.

Nobody will walk on the stage without saying a few things wrong.

Nobody learns how to walk after the first step.

We all suck in the beginning.


Children can do what most adults fail to do.

We always think children are clueless. They need our guidance to figure out life. But they know things that most of us have forgotten.

We don’t become better by giving up. We keep trying.

Do babies stop trying to learn to walk after falling the first time? No, they keep trying



Cammi Pham
The Unlearner

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