Your Worst Precedes Your Best
The dips are inevitable. It’s the duality of life. It’s the dark before the dawn, the low point before the climb.
Truth is experience.
You can’t do your best if you are not ready to experience your worst.
I’ve learned more by practising than I can ever learn from books. “ Your worst precedes your best” doesn’t just apply to learning something. It’s the very foundation of figuring out how to live.
Learning by doing is huge for me.
Books are great, but real-world experience teaches way more. I don’t mind the time it takes to find the wisdom of practical knowledge. Think of it like those self-help books — you have to experiment, fail, and try again. That’s how you build resilience.
I’ve found that my worst mistakes have been my greatest teachers. They’ve shaped who I am today. The best things I know, I learned by doing.
Worst beginnings are insanely human.
Perhaps you’ve lost a relationship or missed a big opportunity. These low points can feel like the end. But they are just the beginning. They force you to reflect and improve.
When you inevitably mess up, you learn valuable lessons. When I struggle with a project, I…