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You’re Not Lazy

The last motivational blog post you’ll ever need.

John Gorman
Personal Growth
Published in
8 min readFeb 3, 2018


We have a voracious, insatiable appetite for self-help. We live in an era where you can literally google how to do anything you set your mind to. Hell, this blog space is chock full of clickbait-y ruminations on how to get what you want. To wit, here’s just a snapshot of what just whizzed past my Twitter TL:

How Serena Williams handles pressure.

You procrastinate because you’re “too busy or too stressed.” How to stop.

5 Breaks Every Entrepreneur Needs to Take

5 Mistakes That Will Cause Your Pursuit Of Happiness To Backfire

We have Brene Brown, Tony Robbins, Dave Ramsey, Gary Vee, Dr. Phil, Dr. Oz, Franklin Covey, Dale Carnegie, The 4-Hour Workweek, Eight-Minute Abs, p90x, the Pomodoro Technique, the Secret, the Law of Attraction, Kaizen, the Love Languages, the Strengths Finder, Rich Dad Poor Dad … it’s a fire hose of “How to” and “Let’s go.”

Inc Magazine, Fast Company and Entrepreneur magazines all regularly cannibalize each other with lifehacks, and that’s to say nothing of, which is different from, which is different from #lifehacks. Self-help is red hot. So is self-love.



John Gorman
Personal Growth

Yarn Spinner + Brand Builder + Renegade. Award-winning storyteller with several million served. For inquiries: