Lovely Dead Flowers

For Chris. You’re my hero.

Moriah Gabrielle
Personal Inner Freedom
3 min readMar 10, 2017


I dream; I dare not.

I love; I share not.

I watch; I glare not.

I cry; I care not.

I die; I bare not.

In my distress. In my despair. I can’t escape. My prison is beneath my hair. I am despised. Real or imagined. By everyone. Everywhere. Pain upon pain to escape unseen pain. My arms. Blood. Words. Scars. No good.

You. From a dream. Long ago. Friend. Brother. You. Familiar. Can’t be. It was a dream. Or a memory? Eyes. Not my own. But familiar.

Unafraid of my beast. Honesty gave way to courage. You looked in me directly at eye to eye. And you smiled.

But then I dared, and then I dreamed, and then I shared, and then I glared, and then I cared, and then I loved, and then I watched, and then I cried.

And I lived.

Thank you friend for filling my grey world with color. Thank you my blood for looking me in the eye. Thank you for honesty, pain, joy, courage, respect, belief. Thank you for accepting me when I would not.

Your brave treatment of my mighty inside teeth has freed the inner beast into a song. And now, it is lovely.

How can this be? Why do I still have scars? On my arms?

So other lovely beasts know I am a safe place for them, he tells me, like I recognized him. With scars.

Thank you brother. Never in a million years can I repay you for the gentle kindness you bestowed upon an unworthy worthy.

Grateful never knew your name.


What is this I see? A lovely flower. It thinks it’s dead. I will admire it; I will savor its smell; I will gaze upon it; I will not remove it from its place. It belongs. It will live.

Its grey world color shall be.

And I will say to her:

Thank you sister for allowing me to pass the unworthy worthiness on. You have already repaid me by allowing my grateful to have a name. I have received more than I gave you eye to eye, by repaying my brother through the lovely you that you now see.

Now it’s your turn. Move along the tree of life and branch of time; bestow a name.

I will shine; I dare.

I will see; I care.

I will glow; I share.

I will cry. I will love. I will live.

Sister Prison Lovely.

Brother Friend Blood.


In memory of Denise. I’m so sorry I didn’t get my shit together in time to try to be your hero. God I’m so sorry.



Moriah Gabrielle
Personal Inner Freedom

Deeply inspired by remarkable adults who are attempting to survive after traumatic or difficult events