How do you lead the Millennials?

Personal Leadership Trainer
2 min readFeb 27, 2018

It is truly exciting to see how fast things are changing nowadays in the corporate world. We seem to be leaving the old industrial paradigm behind, sooner rather than later. We at Yomento believe that this monumental change is driven by the three D´s:

1) Demographics — there simply aren’t enough talented people around, so if you want to attract the right people, you better build an attractive organization

2) Digitization — boy, is that word over-used. But it is over-used for a good reason: it impacts every facet of modern working-life, from how we deliver our services to how we collaborate internally. And we ain’t seen nothing yet

3) Da new generations — yes, they really are different from us old folks, both in terms of their values and what they demand from a work place

So, how will this affect leadership? Will we have to lead the Millennials differently?

Yes, we do, but I believe that it is the wrong question. We will need to lead all employees differently, regardless of how young or old they are. A modern leader must be humane and support you in reaching your ambitions. A modern leader must be good at inspiring, removing roadblocks and coaching you when necessary. She/he must be a role model in setting the direction of the team and fostering a culture of trust and collaboration.

Come to think of it, this is exactly what great leaders did also in the old industrial paradigm. They were just fewer and far apart. Now, the challenge is that we ALL need to be great leaders going forward.

Do you accept the challenge?

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