Preparing for second workshop

Personal Mindmap
Published in
2 min readJun 29, 2020

After doing so much to prepare for our first workshop, I felt like this completely snuck up on me unprepared.

Right now we are trying to focus on bringing “design thinking” into the process of nontechnical and/or nondesigners through a series of tips and a “quiz” when picking out a template. I think we focused too much in the beginning with the assumption that we would have an interface. That won’t be ready.

So we are focusing on the “quiz” part of our onboarding process.

Our workshop thus far contains:

Having the participant take a quiz:
The purpose of this activity is for them to have a “fun” experience with quizzes. In this way, I believe the participant will be in a mindset where they will be able to give more unique answers and think of the problem more thoroughly. Afterall they will have just received confirmation that they are creative.

Then we will give them a scenario — the scenario will be fake but it will hopefully be similar to a real scenario.

We will then ask them a series of questions with answers

Ideally, how many people would be using this?

How many different groups are going to need to be involved?

(patient, doctor, teacher, student, etc)

Are you going to be asking participants questions?

How many?

Do you want this questions to follow a format? Or are they more open ended

(yes / no, drop down list, etc)

How would you describe the people using this?

Who are you designing for?

(parents, youth, ect)

Have you thought about potential roadblocks you might face getting this to people?

Rank the following in order of importance

What kind of impact do you want this to have?

Is this your first time building a digital service?

What excites you about making this?

What worries you about making this?

After giving answers and feedback — I would like to do a think aloud as they go through the onboarding process with different but similar platforms as Chorus.
I feel this will give better feedback then showing what we have still in process. We want to know what approaches work and what might not.

