It’s about time America plays catch-up in the women leaders category

Sapna M
Personal Musings
Published in
4 min readOct 24, 2020


Why I urge American Citizens (especially with daughters) to vote for Biden/Harris

As a citizen of this adopted homeland, the real choice, in this election, is between the continuation of male dominance versus supporting the much-needed female leadership. It’s about time the Americans, vote for a woman.

While this may be the 1st time in the United States history that a female leader is elected, 59 other countries, including my birth-country India, have already beaten America to this milestone, decades ago!

My father (Dr. Sushil Misra) and me with the re-elected Prime Minister of India, Late Indira Gandhi in 1980

Year 2016: My then, 8-year-old daughter was extremely disappointed that Hillary Clinton lost the election.

Social Studies was a new subject in school, and she learned that Hillary, if she won, would be the 1st Female President of the United States of America. Yay! That was all the information she needed to cast her mental vote for Hillary. I voted for Hillary, so my daughter was sad when she lost. I’m sure she was not the only girl distraught by the election outcome.

Year 2020: My daughter is 11 years old now and still hopeful. She has heard enough news to know that our country is doing poorly under the Trump regime. Voting for a woman Vice President seems like a positive step in the right direction. Of course, having a woman President would have been way better but it’s fine, we’ll start with VP first.

For me, this election is beyond the decision of voting Blue for Biden/Harris or Red for Trump/Pence. Like everyone else, I have heard their campaign policies (or lack thereof), watched their debates, and followed all the media rants. The United States is in miserable condition under the Republican administration, so you would think the decision is simple, “Vote Blue”. It isn’t that easy! Voter turnout is dismal in America, and Pew research surveys show that it ranks 31 out of the 35 among developed countries for voter turnout. Plus, the poll numbers in the Red and Blue States clearly reflect confusion among both Liberal and Conservatives around this election.

This on-the-fence mindset is dangerous and must change.

As a citizen of this adopted homeland, the real choice, in this election, is between the continuation of male dominance versus supporting the much-needed female leadership. It’s about time the Americans, vote for a woman.

While this may be the 1st time in the United States history that a female leader is elected, 59 other countries, including my birth-country India, have already beaten America to this milestone, decades ago!

I choose to vote for the Biden/Harris team not because I prefer the Democrat party over the Republican but because as a mother to a daughter who is watching me walk my talk, I want to prove that I support and believe in the sound governance of a woman leader.

Senator Harris has worked her way up from being the first Deputy District Attorney, to Attorney General of California to currently serving as U.S. Senator representing California since 2016. I support her work on gender equality and hope her success in this election paves the way for the first woman President of this country.

Having lived in the United States of America for 25 years, I’ve seen this nation swing between both the Democrat and Republican party leadership. While the U.S. has copiously maintained its economic superpower status in a proud way, it also harbors a dark side. As an immigrant I’ve experienced, gender inequality in the corporate world, a confusing and expensive healthcare system, and inherent racism (albeit covert in the higher socio-economic sections), irrespective of a BLUE or RED Government in power.

Kamala Harris said “I am speaking.”

When Kamala Harris said, “Mr. Vice President, I’m speaking.”, we heard, for she spoke on behalf of every woman, around the world, that has been silenced and relegated into the background by men.

I intend to vote for the Biden/Harris team because a true democracy cannot be run by a dictatorial buffoon. His mind-numbing media tactics are not just bringing down the economy but also the IQ and EQ of its citizens. It’s no surprise that the mighty United States of America has now become a mockery in the eyes of the world.

Finally and most importantly, I will vote for the Biden/Harris team to create a podium for my daughter and other daughters too, so when they grow up and choose to run for the Office of the President, gender equality, ethnicity, race and color are no longer debatable issues.



Sapna M
Personal Musings

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