Overzealous Preaching

My first post on Medium!!!

Knarf Nil
Personal Stories @knarf_il
2 min readJun 15, 2013


A few days ago with en route to a transit station via the public bus (in Calgary, Canada), an innocuous-looking young woman (among many others) came onto the bus approximately 10 minutes away from the station; but little could I imagine the horror that was about to unfold. Immediately, she whipped out her iPad, opened up what I can only assume to be a Bible app from the given context, and spewed out a passionate hard-on for eternal damnation, accepting [Yahweh] as our one and true lord, among other things, all Old Testament style. At first, everyone on the bus (including myself) did their best to maintain their stereotypical Canadian facade; however, as the ex-Muslim Christian fan-girl’s ranting crossed the (~)3 minutes mark, someone had to put their foot down, and luckily a few of the passengers, including myself (again), stuck their neck out and told her to zip it until she got off the bus.

Okay, so worse things could had happened on the bus, such as sitting beside another student for whom regular showering did not appear to be a given, and confronting a stranger that did her best to annoy her fellow passengers did not take a lot of bravery either, but the point here is that people are free to express themselves in whichever way they choose, so long as the actions they take do not harm others, the society, and infringe upon others’ free will. In this case, since the passengers, including myself (again x 2… I should stop that), constituted a captive audience, with no way to opt out of the informal sermon save for jumping out of the bus and ripping out our ears, what she did could be reasonably argued to be criminal.

Well, that’s it for now, I still have an engineering paper to finish and a work presentation to attend to.

Now for a little bit about myself: I am an engineering student of the University of Calgary currently interning for ATCO Electric. It’s nice to vent out some moral outrage eh?



Knarf Nil
Personal Stories @knarf_il

#Liberal #secularist, #freespeech absolutist; #powerengineering, #SCM; #foodie; #swimming & #tennis enthusiast; civilised monster. & s ≠ agreements.