3 reasons why you should have a personal website

Published in
2 min readFeb 5, 2017


Nowadays we’re assisting to a total and unstoppable digital transformation. Many services, that just some years ago were not available on the internet, are not easily accessible online and with few effort. Many companies are becoming more and more profitable, due to the access to digital assets that brings more value to their relative industries. And also for you, even if you’re not directly representing a business, it’s highly valuable for yourself to be searchable on the web and to be a person of influence and interest of your industry. Let’s see 3 benefits of having a personal website.

1. It makes you searchable online

This is the most important thing for your presence online: being searchable. Having a personal website, ranks up you on the search results page. This enforces your personal figure online, so people can easily connect with you and see your work and activities. That’s also really good for your networking

2. It’s a central hub for your online presence

There are many different, maybe even too many, places where you can be found online. The idea of having a personal website, where you’ve the total control over it and the ownership of the content it’s a unique idea, since can be used like a business card, a single information hub for you personal online presence.

3. It makes you look more professional about your job

If you have a personal website, where you can even post your portfolio, or relevant works or posts about your field, could be really valuable for someone who’s looking for you for a new job position or even a business partnership. It helps understand more about you and your level of influence in your relative job field.

Get a online personal website in minutes with Personalico and join for free the new digital revolution of reinvented personal branding.

