INFP Gone Wrong: Exploring Fictional MBTI Antiheroes and Their Motives

From Rorschach to Sweeney Todd, these villains fight for a cause

Robin Nemesszeghy
Personality Solutions
8 min readFeb 17, 2022


Sweeney Todd is the classic villain example of INFP revenge (

The first function of each MBTI type is the function they use the most. It’s also the function they can never drop or lose touch with — no matter what. The INFP is no different with their first function: Fi (Introverted Feeling). This means they never lose touch with their emotions and they are always operating from an internal set of values, even when they go wrong.

Fi Purpose

INFPs are explorers. But their exploration has a purpose: to feed their values and personal worldview. The aren’t just wandering but also searching. They use their second function Ne (Extroverted Intuition) to gather information as they journey through novel worlds, settings, and ideas. They then filter everything through their internal value system — keeping only what they personally value as important. As much exploratory behavior as INFPs display, they always have the urge to attach that to some kind of personal meaning to it. This makes them highly adaptable, but prone to subjectivity and bias in their logic when it comes to the tribe.

INFPs are very relational — meaning they view the lens of the world as well as others through their own personal Fi feelings…



Robin Nemesszeghy
Personality Solutions

Little Red Bird, flitting around to deliver words to the page | Creative Thinker & Writer | MBTI Specialist & Personality Coach | Editor & Book Coach