Personality Solutions MBTI Series Survey: Are You Interested in an MBTI Training Series?

Read on to delve deeper into how you can use the MBTI as a tool for your business as well as your personal relationships

Robin Nemesszeghy
Personality Solutions
2 min readJun 14, 2022


Those of you who follow me know that I tend to write about a wealth of different topics. But one of the most specialized topics I write about is the Myers-Briggs personality system — the MBTI (you can view my full list of MBTI posts here).

For those of you who primarily follow me for MBTI content, I have good news for you. I will soon be creating a training series paired with a couple of MBTI-based books (you can find more information about this in my post about my upcoming books). For this, I am posting a survey. Filling out this survey will allow you to help shape this series and influence how it will be built. I would like your help in making this the best version of the series it can possibly be, so that you can find the most value in it. I am excited to create this series and tailor it to your needs.

MBTI Training Series Survey



Robin Nemesszeghy
Personality Solutions

Little Red Bird, flitting around to deliver words to the page | Creative Thinker & Writer | MBTI Specialist & Personality Coach | Editor & Book Coach