AI in the News — #20

Earl Wajenberg
Personified Systems
1 min readMay 10, 2016

Legally Recognized (Techxplore) uses deep learning to learn to drive, and the Dept. of Transport says it counts as the legal driver — so we now have the situation where the driver of a car need not be a person.

Artificial > Artifice > Art (

This month, Dartmouth College is hosting a Turing test in the form of an art show. Viewers will try to determine which dances, sonnets, short stories, and so forth are produced by humans and which by AIs.

Google plus Chrysler minus Driver (NPR)

Google is going into partnership with Chrysler to produce driverless minivans. They plan to create a fleet of 100 Chrysler Pacifica hybrid minivans. Accessibility for those who can’t drive is a major goal of the project.

Learn from My Mistakes (Nature)

Using data transcribed from chemistry notebooks on failed experiments, AIs at Haverford University are learning what distinguishes successful and unsuccessful efforts at chemical synthesis, then using the results to create recipes for difficult reactions.

