YOU’VE BEEN CALLED | Revamp Your Leadership Persona

Roger Grant
Published in
3 min readJun 16, 2020

I’m holding a Cheshire Cat smile…tight. My afternoon drowsiness was shattered by what sounded to my strained senses like Michael Jordan: “You’re tougher than you think you are. And you can do more than you think you can. Pack your bags for the next level. There’s a bigger game to be won here.”

Are you being called to something bigger?

Now, whether it was MJ, my aunt Lorna or the spirit of the universe, I’ve just been called. I can see what the future business looks like. I know what really matters to me and how I want to lead it. I’ve been tickling the elephant, and by gosh, the elephant has now turned and is looking me straight in the eye. Inside my head is perfect ear to ear panic & chicken shit. Oh, fu*k.

And MJ is saying: “You got this, let’s go!”

From somewhere deep within, against my rational objections, I found myself replying: “Yes, of course, count on me, I’m in.”

Breathe…hang on a minute…breathe…

My Cheshire Cat smile starts to break, switch to poker face, emanate perfect calm & wisdom.

I never cared about money or fame, and I don’t care now. I follow the groove, and money always follows. — Quincy Jones

HBR will have you believe that there is a standard formula for becoming a successful CEO. A model answer for CEO excellence. Just add water, and ready to lead. I think not!

Powerful transitions are not effortless. It actually requires a lot of hard work and careful cultivation of good habits and mindsets to answer the higher calling despite all our rational objections.

You may not feel ready to lead.

But this is not an excuse to wait. It is a call to begin. To honour your gift. To show up, for yourself, as your best and elevated self, and for others around you. Even without invitation. Show up in an extraordinary way. In the way only you can.

Throughout your life, you have tickled a fair few elephants, requiring constant reinvention, rebirth to get here, to take the moment in front of you. The atom bomb of transformations, puberty…ugh…acne…1st teeth bang kiss.

All great leaders are constantly reinventing themselves. It doesn’t stay the same; it evolves. And it’s personal. It’s not the same for everyone. It’s a lifelong practice of powerful transformations, of boiling down the essence of your leadership. We call this process leadership branding.

Revamp your leadership persona.

To help leaders facilitate powerful transitions Sophia Chin is writing a book titled Dancing At The Edge Of Greatness: In Pursuit of the Joy of Leadership. Grab your favourite drink and take 10 mins me moment to read the article, LEADERSHIP IS A LIFE LONG PRACTICE (PART I) and reconnect with your 100% pure awesomeness.

Sophia would love to hear your comments on what resonated with you and where she can make things better.

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PERSONNA is a leadership development company focused on the people side of transformation. We hold a simple belief that everyone is an extraordinary and powerful force for positive change. When you make work personal, naturally you become a better leader.

We’re here to help people become better leaders, build highly-effective teams, and create a culture of trust & collaboration in their organisations. We provide leadership branding, leadership coaching and group experiences. If you are curious to learn more drop us an email to



Roger Grant
Editor for

Hi, I’m Roger, I’m here to help leaders create their brand and go live up to it. Starts with space.