To The #bernieorbust Crowd

There is still an opening. This is not about Bernie or Biden. This is still about us.



Photo by Art Lasovsky on Unsplash

I am a Berner. I’ve been a Berner since 2015 when I first got wind of Bernie Sanders. As I researched his policy positions, his proposals and his work, I became and have since been, an enthusiastic supporter of his campaigns. I have been writing about and advocating for Bernie since he walked into my life 5 years ago.

I am glad that he is a part of our lives. Bernie Sanders has moved the needle of our country to the left. But it wasn’t just him moving that needle. It was all of us pushing and pulling for a saner version of America.

Yesterday, I learned that Bernie has suspended his campaign, and believe me, I was not happy. But then I found some articles that gave me some insight into what he was doing.

He is keeping his delegates. I have not seen that he’s releasing his mailing list. He is keeping his name on the ballots in the remaining primaries. He is still determined to collect delegates. He is keeping the money for now. This means it’s theoretically possible for him to come to the convention with enough delegates to win. At the very least, he will have enough delegates to maintain an enormous amount of leverage on the party platform.

