Journey to MirrorAI

Gourav Kondadadi
Published in
5 min readDec 13, 2019

Good Communication is as stimulating as black coffee, and just as hard to sleep after. — Anne Morrow Lindbergh

The day Apple presented iPhone back in 2007, people had already decided to purchase the product on the day of presentation itself. Steve Jobs had already sold the product before it went to market. Back then, we were living in the age of one of the best communicators the world had seen and heard of. Thanks to YouTube, entrepreneurs across the countries have been learning from the brilliant communication skills of Steve Jobs. This was a trait which distinguished him from most of his peers, an apt way of making the public crave for the product before it was presented. His unique communication skills made him one of the best orators, one who could strike the right chord with people and also helped him to make the best business deals. People have been watching and learning from his skills, and well some of them are acing the game. His ability to excite and engage people is something which has awed an entire generation and will be doing so for the future ones too.

The Great Communication Problem!

Though we are awed by great communicators like Steve Jobs and aspire to be like them, it is easier said than done. Technology boom is making matters worse. While we millennials are getting more comfortable in using our keypads and letting it communicate for us, we find communicating with people around us very uncomfortable.

A few years back I was asked to EMCEE an event, being the overconfident kid I was back then; I promptly took it up. This was the time when reality about my communication skills was about to sink in and that being said, it wasn’t as good as I expected. So, I ventured to find out a solution to this little problem of mine. I got in touch with all the people who had done these types of events and got different types of feedback. One of the specified, that my vocabulary and pronunciation should be pretty clear. Someone else pointed out that we should not be using too many fillers while speaking and take the right number of pauses. These were very basic instructions which were neglected by many, but once mastered you could strike the right chord with people.

One of my popular seniors told me that it’s important that your facial expressions are in line with what you are presenting. As hosts, you should be putting up a calm and positive face. One should not be affected by the chaos that could happen during an event. Another very important point which was added was about eye contact, it helps us make the right connection with the audience. I must admit maintaining eye contact is a glaring task and putting up a smiling face is not as easy as it seems, you might just creep out people by staring at them and constantly smiling needlessly.

Feedback helps in improving communication skills

It’s been a lot of years since then but the constructive feedback given then stayed with me. As time flew, communication became a more important part of my personal and professional life than anything else. In the end, it is something that would help me showcase all my hard-earned skills and education.

The same holds true for you!! Your most innovative idea could turn into an utter disappointment if you communicate your vision improperly, but you might just become the next Steve Jobs if you know the right tone to communicate your idea.

The Simple Mirror to Solution!

I realized that though ‘ the communication problem’ came to me a good number of times in my career and every time it was tackled in a wee bit different manner; the basics always remained the same!! From school days to college to job life- everywhere I went, the basic standards always remained the same. As I ventured further, it was becoming clearer that some practise with good constructive feedback can help a lot of people solve this very problem. The solution was very simple but had to reach to everyone. So, I thought how could I help everyone to become better communicators by using technology. That’s exactly where the idea of MirrorAI came from. Most people in our country have access to mobile phones and the Internet, and that’s a medium through which we could reach masses. The digital age has offered an opportunity to reach the masses and it was our time to get a solution to the people which they need. The team at PerspectAI got together and brainstormed to search for the best way we could reach the people and enable them to improve their communication skills.

That’s where I looked back at my previous journey where smile, calmness, pronunciation, etc. formed an essential part of communicating our story. That is something which was required, we started our research in the back-end and with the latest technology in tracking eyes to capturing facial emotions to analyzing our speech; was combined into one singular platform and that’s how we built our first beta stage application for the people MirrorAI. With the latest Computer Vision and Speech based Machine Learning algorithms, we created an application that would help all of us. This application tends to cater to students, entrepreneurs and working professionals alike. All of them can come on-board using the Android application. Students can practice their interviews; entrepreneurs can practice their one-minute elevator pitch while working professionals can improve on their presentation skills. This is just the beginning, as we go ahead in the future, we plan to add more features to make the best leverage of AI for humans.

We are currently in the beta stage and learning more about the use case and improving the application. Please do download the application and give us your valuable feedback. And keep following us on the following to be in touch with the latest development in PerspectAI-Transforming Talent Assessments.






