Why Is Magic Mirror 3 Moving To Subscription?

We just wanted to focus on one version, and make it great

James Tang
MagicSketch Blog
2 min readJan 13, 2017


Magic Mirror update history — 23 versions in past 18 months.

Magic Mirror 3 is the 3rd major upgrade after 539 days of initial release. Since Magic Mirror 1, I’ve released 23 versions of Magic Mirror plugin, to support the growing community of Sketch users and updates.

It doesn’t seem to take that much of work, but it happened.

Whenever Sketch updates, something changes.
Whenever OSX updates, something breaks.
And we committed to implement features and fix bugs along the way.

Maintaining a product requires consistent amount of work.

Here’s a bit more stats

2813 Sketch users purchased the pro version.
3812 users use it monthly.
27 Sketch templates published.
6 official intro videos.
15 community blog posts and videos.
209 git commits in Magic Mirror 1
225 git commits in Magic Mirror 2.
212 git commits in Magic Mirror 3.
3 revamps of the website
n customers email support
$55,102 sales, $5,414 operation cost, $13,116 staff wages.

To sum up, it’s around $2000 monthly income for myself, working almost full-time for the past 18 months.

Okay, what does all that means?

We need a healthy pricing modal to sustain that amount of work.

More software companies are moving to subscription. Microsoft Office 365, Adobe CC, Sketch switched to their own kind of “subscription” as well.

It’s simply a more honest approach.

The False Promise of One-Time Payment

One-time payment wasn’t really one-time, every application I mentioned above never stayed at version 1 when they were in one-time payment. Companies make ways to market new versions of the product, so customers buy from time to time. Those kinds of tricks takes all the effort away from improving the current version of the product, do you really wanted to see that?

We believe subscription lets the team just to focus on one version of the product, and make it as great as possible.

Giving Back

We never forget our precious supporters of Magic Mirror from early versions. That’s why we are giving credits back to their account during the payment process.

You can enter your previous license key to get a credit on the process of subscription

We are having a pre-launch discount for 50% off until Jan 17th.

You can download and try it for FREE.



James Tang
MagicSketch Blog

Sketch Plugins and iOS UX Engineer. Opensource projects contributor, share on Twitter. @jamztang