Woosah moment

Hey sis, slow down and take a breath

Melissa Edwards
Perspectives by Melissamedia


Black woman lays her head against her outstretched arm
Photo by Angela Roma : https://www.pexels.com/photo/contemplative-ethnic-model-with-piercing-resting-on-parquet-7479930/

Hey girl, let’s talk. How have you been? In 2022, I had a hella hectic spring and summer where I went on autopilot and felt disconnected from my true self and most of my emotions. Anger stuck around, though. When I was unable to connect with anything else, anger was easily accessible.

So, then I had months of work, anger, and laundry for my fall and winter. Because laundry is always there for you. When you feel lonely or anything else, really, you’ve got laundry as a constant companion. This meme is definitely true.

Woman looking at two different pieces of her laundry
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio: https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-in-red-long-sleeve-shirt-holding-her-clothes-3794129/

But getting to woosah, that state of calm and relaxation where you can be kind to yourself and others? The time when you remain in that curious, receptive state and listen more than you talk? I couldn’t fully get there for a while.

I needed to rest. I got Coronavirus at the end of summer, so I was forced to rest. I had started working at a new site. I needed more rest. I had to help a family member recover from an illness. Then I needed to rest again. Now the winter holiday season was in full swing, and in the middle of all these celebrations, I just rested when and where I could. And as I rested, I…



Melissa Edwards
Perspectives by Melissamedia

Educator. Mother. Memory keeper. Dog mom. Friend. @melissamedia #WEOC