This Is The World’s Toughest Job.

Alyssa Marion
Perspectives on Advertising
2 min readJan 30, 2015

When is the last time you cried? It’s rare that an advertisement hits my sweet spot these days, but American Greetings hit close to home (literally) with their ad, “World’s Toughest Job.” Prior, Budweiser seemed to take the hearts of viewers nationwide with their Clydesdales ads. But it’s hard to compare puppies and horses to considerably the most important person in your life- your mom.

Watching this ad the first time, I tried to guess the entire four minutes as to what the interviewer could be referring to with all of the random and seemingly inhumane job requirements. Who could the “associate” be? My reaction matched the interviewees; I am the associate… duh. I laughed at my unawareness, and then reflected on how awesome my mom is. I immediately re-watched the video and confirmed that my mom fulfilled every one of the job requirements listed.

It’s the type of advertisement that makes you smile. For two reasons: first because the ad tricked you, and second, because it’s truthful. My mom, like most other moms that I know, wouldn’t trade anything in the world not to be a mom. Because once you are a mom, you don’t turn back. The love and passion a mom has for her child is worth the 135 hours a week, no vacations, expertise in medicine, finance, and the culinary arts, and a big fat salary of $0.

How did this ad leave such a big impact on viewers’ hearts? Because everyone has had someone that has acted as a mom for them. It may not be a biological mom, or maybe it is. But Mullen hit a grand slam with this ad for American Greetings, a company that creates products that are designed to connect and celebrate people across the country. Countless tears later, it was one of ADWEEK’s top 10 feel-good success stories of 2014.

