Better than fuck fear is love fear

arthur saftlas
Perspicacious Perspectives
1 min readMay 13, 2016


When we love we respect and give our attention, we acknowledge, accept, approve, and appreciate. Fear deserves our love, because it is fear that has helped keep us safe. And fear has limited us, it has debilitated us, it has closed us down.

When we love fear we can observe it, we can feel it. Any aspect of ourselves we admonish, we do not love, we deny. When we deny any aspect of ourselves, we push it down into our sub-basement of our mind where like mushrooms, it grows.

Millions suffer from anxiety because they do not observe or feel their fear. Their denial of fear allows fear to grow without their noticing until it has dominated their personality. Then they run for a diagnosis and meds.

My brother has denied his rage and he is the most angry person you will ever meet. Tell him he seems angry at your peril.

Learn to love yourself and every aspect of yourself. Beware of your judgments of anyone, because they reflect an aspect of yourself you deny.

Wow, I got carried away with this response! Perhaps I need to temper my sharing. What do you think? Would you ever call me for help?



arthur saftlas
Perspicacious Perspectives

I am counselor, more a Zen master than a psychotherapist. I can assist you in awakening. Visit my web site Thx, I know it is ancient.