Every 4 years…

Obama campaigned on promising what we wanted to hear, yet did the opposite. But so far, few are willing to even think that Trump having said the worst, may turn out to be better than most.

arthur saftlas
Perspicacious Perspectives
2 min readNov 17, 2016


Every 4 years we see the same political hysteria; no one learns not to repeat it. “We learn from history that we do not learn from history.” ― Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

Politicians say anything to get elected and then do exactly what they intended to do all along. Or they do precisely what the powers hidden behind them want them to do. It is all a big show, most believe in.

The real power in this asleep world is money. Money cannot buy love or a heightened consciousness, but it surely buys everything else. It easily buys most types of lawyers, judges, and politicians.

All in this world of money and power is corrupt and it is all false. The money is not real money. The money is printed paper, or created on a computer by banks when they loan money they do not have.

The power of money buys military power to frighten the masses into submission or to enlist them into wars. The whole world goes on as before, essentially because everyone is asleep to who they are.

We are all conditioned and programmed, read addicted, to being how we learned to be at a very early age. To awaken is confusing, frustrating, disorienting, and devastating. You must be willing to die.

The ego death is the phoenix rising from your ashes. You discover you are love and absolutely nothing else. You discover you are free, peaceful, and content simply to be. Like your cat on the windowsill.



arthur saftlas
Perspicacious Perspectives

I am counselor, more a Zen master than a psychotherapist. I can assist you in awakening. Visit my web site 2b-One.com Thx, I know it is ancient.