Who should I vote for?

The least evil asshole?

arthur saftlas
Perspicacious Perspectives
1 min readOct 24, 2016


We live in a world conditioned to dualistic thinking, which is about every thought having its opposite. Politicians and priests create their followers based on duality, so that everyone identifys and follows their side of the equation. This is why we have war and conflicts everywhere. Only when we awaken to One Love, will conflicts and wars end.

Politicians and priests ONLY have power, because they learned to use the asleep masses dualistic thinking against them by dividing humanity. This ridiculous “election” is a perfect example, where intelligent people argue with each other for who is the least evil asshole.

Wake up, realize these people have no power, they are puppets and it is all rigged. FDR famously said, Presidents are selected, not elected. This world is run by BIG money, not politicians who are easily bought. Until One Love happens on this planet, nothing will ever change. Get over it.



arthur saftlas
Perspicacious Perspectives

I am counselor, more a Zen master than a psychotherapist. I can assist you in awakening. Visit my web site 2b-One.com Thx, I know it is ancient.