La Chutana Karting Circuit

Rodrigo Gomez-Barrios
Peruvian Legacy
Published in
4 min readDec 17, 2015

“The best racing experience for Amateurs in Peru who want to drive fast legally no matter who you are”

Have you ever been to the best racetrack in Peru?? no!? This magnificent place has been open since 2013 and you have not been there?? What?! Then you haven’t been to La Chutana! This awesome racetrack is located in the km 50.5 just in the back of Santa Maria and the kart track is just behind that! When you get there, you get to a huge parking lot where you park your car, and walk through a paved sidewalk towards the kart renting area.

Once you get there, the great fun adventure begins!

When we got there, we went into a room where they taught us the track in a board and then in a simulator. Afterwards, each of us got a helmet and got into a kart, and had 10 minutes of track recognition.

When the track recognition, we lined up in the order from fastest lap to slowest and a few seconds later, the race began! The track was simply awesome, very twisty, fast, good for overtakes, gripy, slow bits and very, very fun after all. The track was very smooth without a single hole and very well coloured and signposted, which helped you know where were you and where you were going.

The track even had 19 different circuits possible in a single one! Just awesome, my favorite kart track that I have been by far. If you like any kind of petrol engined vehicles, or you want to learn how to drive, you definitely need to go karting, and what a better place to start than Peru’s best karting circuit?

Price is a major plus on the kartodrome. In Peru, there are 3 kart tracks, 1 In Santa Maria, La Chutana and in the Boulevard de asia. Compared to the other 2, La Chutana is MILES cheaper than its competition. In Asia, a 8 lap race costs you 80 Soles, and a fast lap being managed by me in about 38.2 Seconds. In la Chutana you get 20 minutes of laps (One lap in 55.0 Seconds) in a faster kart and a much more fun circuit for 50 soles. See the difference? It is even 50km closer to lima than Asia, so why would you even go there? I wouldn´t. Even if you go to la chutana 10+ times, you would not get bored because there is….19 different circuits in the track! and the best part is that you get to choose what track you would like to run. Isn’t that great? I have never been on a track that gives you such freedom as this one. Just spectacular.

The service in any place is a major plus in my book. When you go to a karting circuit, you do not expect a good service, but here, we had a pretty awesome service, being played by very enthusiastic, funny people who loved the karts. The kind of service was like the one you would expect at Astrid y Gaston just after you order a 500 soles stake in a gold plate.

The people there helped us out with any question no matter how dumb was it, helped us when putting the helmets, go pro´s, taking pictures, showed us the best line in each track (we tested 5) and if we spun they would be there in no time at all to help you and put your kart back on track so that you can catch up with the others. Brilliant service in anyone´s table, and all of this is included in your 50 soles!

I do not know what else to say to persuade you to go to this awesome racetrack. It is very cheap, great service, very fun track, very good karts and a very good experience. This was one of the most fun that I have had in many months, just laughing all over the place. I encourage you to go. This is a place that many racecar drivers have grown, and you can too! This is one, if not the best way to learn and improve your driving skills. Just wicked fun!

