9 Ways to Get Rid of Spiders: Trick every Australian should know

Pest Control Blogs
Pest Control writeups
4 min readMar 3, 2019
Spider Pest Control Melbourne

Who is not scared of spiders? See them from the eyes of a child, how scary they look. Unfortunately, spider’s infestation is quite common; however, the good news is that it is not that hard to get rid of spiders.

There are some certain home remedies for spider control which would help you to take care of spiders and not letting them scare your children. We recommend if you have a serious spider infestation in your store room, basement or in the kitchen, you should consult with a spider pest control professional to clean out the mess.

Here are some of the ways we can suggest you to get rid of spiders, which are quite common and new to those who are familiar with these as possibly it might be your first time you are dealing with spiders. No worries, these 10 ways can help you out.

1.If you already have spiders in your house, then it is high time that you invest some time in tidying out the clutter, as spiders love to dwell in clutter where insects and other pest exist. These insects act as their food, therefore if you want to get rid of spiders, get rid of other pest.

2. Spiders often creep into the houses for shelter from adverse climate. During winters, crawl into warm houses and office through cracks. Therefore the best way to stop spiders from dwelling is to fill up the cracks in walls, mend any broken windshield.

3. Spiders generally like moist area during summers and springtime. They love to build cobwebs in greenery, especially gardens where there is enough foliage. It is when the climate becomes intense they creep into the houses. Therefore, the best way to keep them at bay is to keep minimum possible vegetation around your house.

4. If you are unable to control all of the above then you can seek help from spider pest control professionals remember to select the one, who have residual pesticides, which are not harmful for humans but work, wonders on all kind of pest including spiders. They can investigate the situation and accordingly can use the natural spider repellent sprays, pesticides and insecticides.

5. Once it gets dark, try to keep the lights on for minimum possible time. This light attracts insects, which act as a prey for spiders.

6. Another very effect DIY is to Scatter dichotomous earth around the areas which may be potential breeding grounds for spiders. This special power is made out of fossils which act as poison for the spiders and eventually kill them ,dichotomous earth is widely used for Spider control.

7. Very common way to keep spiders at bay is by using natural spider repellents with strong odour ingredients such as peppermint oil, eucalyptus oil, vinegar and naphthalene balls.

8. The powder of dichotomous actually kills spiders instantly when they walk on it, it cuts their legs.

9.Spiders hate the smell of peppermint, tea tree, citrus, and lavender oil. Spray down all of the corners and cracks of one’s residence. If that does not work properly, pick the more aggressive process of spritzing the offending spider with vinegar. Chestnuts, walnuts, and the fresh fruit of the Osage orange trees are all thought to dissuade spiders. Place a couple horse chestnuts in each corner of your house and in any area of your home where you often run across spiders.

These natural ways to keep spiders out of your house, wold definitely help you out for a better and spider-free home.

