How to successfully add a new dog to your pack

Katy Cable
Pet Talks



By, Katy Cable- The Weekly Runt

So you’re thinking about getting a second dog. Are you envisioning a new BFF for your current dog? Imagine a playmate to keep them company when you’re not around. A buddy for them to run around and play with. A new pal to cuddle up and snore with on the dog bed at the end of the day. But wait…how do you know they’ll get along much less be best friends? We all have people in our lives we put up with simply because we have to. We certainly don’t like and become best friends with everyone we meet. Dogs are no different. Just because you fell in love with another dog and want to bring them home, doesn’t mean your current dog will share your enthusiasm. The good news is, by following these effective tips, you can offer them the highest odds for successful companionship.

FIRST THINGS FIRST…ARE TWO DOGS BETTER THAN ONE, OR JUST DOUBLE TROUBLE? Before you run out and fall in love with a new dog, consider your motives. Is it really going to be better to have two dogs? For me, pugs are like potato chips…you can’t have just one. I’d like to own a ranch and have so many I’d be tripping over them. But the reality is, I don’t have the time, energy, or resources for more than one pug right now. Having two dogs might be great for you, but a bad choice for someone else…



Katy Cable
Pet Talks

I love PUGS, cappuccinos and bad carbs. Put my Hashimoto’s into remission with simple food swaps. My holistic tips can help save you a rent payment in vet bills