Tips to Stop Your Dog From Jumping on People

The sooner that you stop this behavior, the better off you will be.

Shelley Wenger
Pet Talks


Photo Courtesy of Canva

Unfortunately, jumping is a natural behavior when it comes to dogs. They love to jump on people to say hello. They love the attention that they get by jumping on people, and love greeting people face to face.

However, for most people, this behavior needs to stop. Though it may be cute with puppies, it isn’t going to be so cute when your hundred pound dog pushes you over in his or her excitement! Even a smaller dog could knock over a child or an elderly person, even hurting them in the process. You also don’t want to deal with muddy paws when you are trying to get ready to go out. Others may not want to come to your home because they don’t want to deal with your dog jumping on them!

So, what can you do to stop your puppy and dog from jumping on you (and your guests)?

The first thing that you need to do is stop rewarding the behavior. Puppies and dogs continue jumping on people because they like the attention that they get. They know if they jump up, they will get petted or even yelled at (which is still attention).

Instead, you need to ignore your dog when he or she jumps on you. You also need to let everyone else know that they can’t do anything when your…



Shelley Wenger
Pet Talks

Shelley is a busy mom. She and her family live on a small farm in Pa, filled with farm animals. She also works as a vet tech, as well as freelance writing.