VPC Creation on Google Cloud Platform(GCP)

Harsh Muniwala
Published in
11 min readJun 26, 2019

What is VPC?

A virtual private cloud (VPC) is the legitimate division of a specialist co-op’s open cloud multi-inhabitant design to help private distributed computing. This model empowers a venture to accomplish the advantages of private cloud — for example, progressively granular authority over virtual systems and a separated domain for delicate outstanding tasks at hand — while as yet exploiting open cloud assets.

The terms private cloud and virtual private cloud are now and then utilized mistakenly as equivalent words. There is a particular distinction — in a customary, on-premises private cloud model, an undertaking’s inside IT division goes about as a specialist organization and the individual specialty units go about as occupants. With a VPC, an open cloud supplier goes about as the specialist organization and the cloud’s supporters are the inhabitants.


Subnets are the following bit of the VPC. Why utilize distinctive subnets in your VPC and not just leave everything in one major glad (family) organize? There are various purposes behind this.


Not the majority of your outstanding tasks at hand have a place together in a solitary system. There are segments that are open confronting, and there are those that you would prefer not to open to the outside world, (for example, databases and mysteries).

In the cloud world today, you can’t generally expect that occasions will dependably be accessible and that their IP tends to will be the equivalent. Thus, it bodes well and is likewise significantly simpler to work a situation where certain gatherings (or families) of cases are alloted to explicit systems. This empowers you to keep up a legitimate dimension of security between the various levels without realizing the particular IP locations of a solitary occasion.


The following significant point that you should comprehend — a subnet can’t navigate in excess of a solitary accessibility zone.

Because of their topographical dispersity, a subnet can’t be characterized over more than one single accessibility zone. When conveying your outstanding burdens in the cloud, you should utilize the “free”’ and implicit excess highlights intrinsic in utilizing accessibility zones. This is the reason you would most likely need to partition your system into various subnets.

Public vs. Private Subnets

In your VPCs, you can characterize subnets that you need to be presented to the outside world (i.e., you can append open IP delivers to the examples). You can likewise characterize subnets that ought to never be legitimately gotten to from the outside world. Occasions on such a subnet could be your backend database or some mystery store that you would prefer not to be freely accessible. The contrast among open and private subnets is the course the traffic takes out to the web — the Internet Gateway or the NAT Gateway.

Internet Gateway (IGW)

Having examples running in cloud is extraordinary and fun, however on the off chance that you can’t get to them from the outside world or in the event that they can’t get to the outside world, reasonability will be extremely testing — if not totally unimaginable.

Your association with the outside world is the Internet Gateway.

You don’t need to characterize IP tends to when you set up your IGW. You don’t need to stress over repetition or scaling of this portal either — this is dealt with for you by cloud. You should simply make one.

The IGW is a straightforward segment. It doesn’t have its very own IP address and isn’t a part that you have to oversee.

It is critical to take note of that for a case to converse with the outside world, occasions must be situated on a subnet that has a course characterized to the IGW, and there must be an open IP address (Elastic IP) appended to that example. This is required to empower bi-directional correspondence between the outside world and the occasions.

NAT Gateway (NGW)

As referenced above, now and then you don’t need occurrences to be presented to the outside world and you don’t need them to have open IP addresses. Be that as it may, as a rule, these examples still need access to the outside world to get refreshes or to send outbound data.

In cloud, you have the choice of making a NAT Gateway to go about as the course to the outside world.

Like the IGW, you don’t need to design IP addresses. The NGW is very accessible and scales consequently — the majority of that is dealt with by Amazon. You should simply pick the subnet that approaches the outside world, and it will be arranged for you.

By utilizing a NGW, you can enable outbound access to the web and point of confinement the inbound access to those occasions, giving an extra layer of deliberation and insurance for your remaining tasks at hand.

Also, all traffic is steered through a solitary IP address. This facilitates the administration overhead on the off chance that you need recognize traffic leaving your VPC to a solitary location, for instance, with on-premises firewall standards or security bunches in other cloud suppliers.

Route Tables

The essential precept of systems administration is that everything inside your subnet remains inside your subnet — and in the event that you need to go outside of your subnet, you have to experience the default portal and from that point be steered to the following bounce to get to your goal arrange.

In cloud, traffic inside the VPC shouldn’t be steered. A switch (straightforward and made out of sight) deals with this for you and the passages in this switch are constrained by you through Route Tables.

When you need to get to an asset outside of your VPC, — you course traffic through your IGW (for your open cases) or through the NGW (for occurrences that are private).

The course tables are related with each of your subnets to enable the progression of traffic as indicated by the strategies and choices you have set up.

Network Access Lists

System Access Control Lists (NACLs) are accessible as a security include in your VPC. Your system head is no uncertainty acquainted with their utilization.

Security gatherings are in charge of controlling the traffic all through your cases. There will be situations where you need to implement an arrangement at a lower level, paying little respect to what exists in the security gathering.

How about we take the accompanying model: say that one of your clients conveys an occurrence in your VPC and neglected to set the security gathering to restrain the outbound traffic from the example. Therefore, data was spilled because of a pernicious endeavor.

With the utilization of a NACL, you could constrain the outbound traffic to explicit occasions or to specific goals just — guaranteeing that your framework is secure and protecting your licensed innovation from slip-ups and disasters. This is a component that operational security or system executives truly like since they don’t need to depend on the every one of the engineers utilizing the mists. With this component, they can keep up generally speaking control paying little heed to who is utilizing the cloud — or how mindful they are of security best practices.

VPN Connectivity

AWS,GCP knows that not all things can keep running in the open cloud, which is the place the alternative to associate your on premises framework with your VPC comes in. Every one of the alternatives are accessible through an API to enable you to rapidly and effectively set up an expansion of your outstanding tasks at hand that can live both inside your datacenter and in cloud.

Think about a VPC as your very own private bit of land on cloud. There are numerous parts engaged with your Virtual Private Cloud. You know about the system format and settings in your on-premises arrange areas and datacenters, and you see how all of them are associated. It is reasonable that with the transition to the cloud — understanding your VPC foundation, its capacities, and its confinements — it would be great practice to include these too.

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) provides networking functionality to Compute Engine virtual machine (VM) instances, Kubernetes Engine containers and App Engine Flex. In other words, without a VPC network you cannot create VM instances, containers or App Engine applications. Therefore, each GCP project has a default network to get you started.

You can think of a VPC network the same way you would think of a physical network, except that it is virtualized within GCP. A VPC network is a global resource which consists of a list of regional virtual subnetworks (subnets) in data centers, all connected by a global wide area network (WAN). VPC networks are logically isolated from each other in GCP.

Create a VPC network and VM instances

Create an auto mode VPC network with Firewall rules

Replicate the default network by creating an auto mode network.

  1. In the Console, navigate to Navigation menu > VPC network > VPC networks, and then click Create VPC network.
  2. Set the Name to firstnetwork.
  3. For Subnet creation mode, click Automatic. (Auto mode networks create subnets in each region automatically)
  4. For Firewall rules, check all available rules. (These are the same standard firewall rules that the default network had)
  5. Click Create, then wait for mynetwork to be created. (Notice that a subnet was created for each region)
  6. Record the IP address range for the subnets in us-central1 and europe-west1. You will refer to these in the next steps.

Create a VM instance in us-central1

Create a VM instance in the us-central1 region. Selecting a region and zone determines the subnet and assigns the internal IP address from the subnet’s IP address range.

  1. In the Console, navigate to Navigation menu > Compute Engine > VM instances, and then click Create.
  2. Set the following values, leaving all others at their defaults:

Name : mynet-us-vm

Region : us-central1

Zone : us-central1-c

Machine type : micro (1 shared vCPU)

  1. Click Create, then wait for the instance to be created.
  2. Verify that the Internal IP was assigned from the IP address range for the subnet in us-central1 (

The Internal IP should be as is reserved for the gateway and you have not configured any other instances in that subnet

Create a VM instance in europe-west1

Create a VM instance in the europe-west1 region.

  1. Click Create instance.
  2. Set the following values, leaving all others at their defaults:

Name : mynet-eu-vm

Region : europe-west1

Zone : europe-west1-c

Machine type : micro (1 shared vCPU)

  1. Click Create, then wait for the instance to be created.
  2. Verify that the Internal IP was assigned from the IP address range for the subnet in europe-west1 (

The Internal IP should be as is reserved for the gateway and you have not configured any other instances in that subnet.

Explore the connectivity for VM instances

Investigate the network for the VM occurrences. In particular, SSH to your VM cases utilizing tcp:22 and ping both the inside and outside IP locations of your VM cases utilizing ICMP. At that point, investigate the impacts of the firewall administers on network by expelling the firewall governs one-by-one.

Verify connectivity for the VM instances

The firewall rules that you created with firstnetwork allow ingress SSH and ICMP traffic from within firstnetwork (internal IP) and outside of that network (external IP).

  1. In the Console, navigate to Navigation menu > Compute Engine > VM instances.
  2. Note the external and internal IP addresses for mynet-eu-vm.
  3. For mynet-us-vm, click SSH to launch a terminal and connect. You may have to click SSH twice.
  4. You are able to SSH because of the allow-ssh firewall rule, which allows incoming traffic from anywhere ( for tcp:22.
  5. To test connectivity to mynet-eu-vm’s internal IP, run the following command usingmynet-eu-vm’s internal IP: ( ping -c 3 <Enter mynet-eu-vm’s internal IP here>)
  6. You are able to ping mynet-eu-vm’s internal IP because of the allow-internal firewall rule.
  7. Repeat the same test, this time using mynet-eu-vm’s name: ( ping -c 3 mynet-eu-vm)
  8. You are able to ping mynet-eu-vm by its name because VPC networks have an internal DNS service that allows you to address instances by their DNS names rather than their internal IP addresses. This is very useful as the internal IP address can change when deleting and re-creating an instance.
  9. To test connectivity to mynet-eu-vm’s external IP, run the following command using mynet-eu-vm’s external IP: ( ping -c 3 <Enter mynet-eu-vm’s external IP here>)

Remove the allow-icmp firewall rules

Remove the allow-icmp firewall rule and try to ping the internal and external IP address of mynet-eu-vm.

  1. In the Console, navigate to Navigation menu > VPC network > Firewall rules.
  2. Check the firstnetwork-allow-icmp rule.
  3. Click Delete, then click Delete to confirm the deletion.
  4. Wait for the firewall rule to be deleted.
  5. Return to the mynet-us-vm SSH terminal.
  6. To test connectivity to mynet-eu-vm’s internal IP, run the following command using mynet-eu-vm’s internal IP: ( ping -c 3 <Enter mynet-eu-vm’s internal IP here>)
  7. You are able to ping mynet-eu-vm’s internal IP because of the allow-internal firewall rule.
  8. To test connectivity to mynet-eu-vm’s external IP, run the following command using mynet-eu-vm’s external IP: ( ping -c 3 <Enter mynet-eu-vm’s external IP here>)

Remove the allow-internal firewall rules

Remove the allow-internal firewall rule and try to ping the internal IP address of mynet-eu-vm.

  1. In the Console, navigate to Navigation menu > VPC network > Firewall rules.
  2. Check the firstnetwork-allow-internal rule and then click Delete. Click Delete to confirm the deletion.
  3. Wait for the firewall rule to be deleted.
  4. Return to the mynet-us-vm SSH terminal.
  5. To test connectivity to mynet-eu-vm’s internal IP, run the following command using mynet-eu-vm’s internal IP: ( ping -c 3 <Enter mynet-eu-vm’s internal IP here>)
  6. Close the SSH terminal: ( exit )

Remove the allow-ssh firewall rules

Remove the allow-ssh firewall rule and try to SSH to mynet-us-vm.

  1. In the Console, navigate to Navigation menu > VPC network > Firewall rules.
  2. Check the firstnetwork-allow-ssh rule and then click Delete. Click Delete to confirm the deletion.
  3. Wait for the firewall rule to be deleted.
  4. In the Console, navigate to Navigation menu > Compute Engine > VM instances.
  5. For mynet-us-vm, click SSH to launch a terminal and connect.

