The Quandary of Daylight Saving Time for the Perpetual Calendar Connoisseur

Paolo Omodei-Zorini
Published in
3 min readMar 31, 2024

As the vernal equinox graces us with its equilibrated splendor, the cognoscenti of horological exquisiteness face the perennial tribulation that is Daylight Saving Time. It is an affair that, to the uninitiated, may seem as trifling as the mere push of a button or the winding of a crown. However, the dilettante’s view ill prepares one for the onerous reality that afflicts the proprietors of the mechanical marvels known as perpetual and annual calendar timepieces.

The adjustment of these intricate contrivances, which meticulously track the capricious nature of our calendar, becomes a task that is both delicate and dreaded. The perpetual calendar, with its leviathan-like grasp on the compendium of time, requires a deft touch lest one imperils the labyrinthine symphony of gears and springs that chart the ceaseless march of days, dates, and leap years. The annual calendar, its slightly less complex cousin, also demands homage be paid to precision and care during this disquieting dance of hour hand advancement.

Let us not understate the gravity of this endeavor. To the unacquainted, this biannual adjustment is but a mere inconvenience – a matter of moving hands or digits forward or backward. Yet, for the horological aficionado, it is nothing short of a ceremonial rite. The painstaking dedication to the craft of fine watchmaking echoes through each judicious turn of the calibrated crown. There is a silent reverence in the air, punctuated only by the faintest click of the mechanism as it concedes to its master’s command.

One must consider the philosophical ramifications as well. Does not the very act of altering a timepiece, designed to be a paragon of temporal continuity, to accommodate the whims of an arguably archaic energy-saving practice, border on sacrilege? Yet, conform we must, for society dictates adherence to this temporal tapestry, woven with threads of tradition and modernity.

In truth, the possession of such horological heirlooms is a testament to the wearer’s recognition of time’s dominion, a symbol of resistance against the relentless tide of digital obsolescence. And so, as we begrudgingly set about our semiannual task, we are reminded that in our hands rests not merely a watch, but a vessel of history, a sentinel of time’s passage, a guardian of mankind’s relentless pursuit of mechanical perfection.

Thus, we, the guardians of these temporal treasures, must bear our burden with stoic resolve. As the world blithely «springs forward» or «falls back,» we engage in a ritual that transcends the mere act of resetting a clock. It is a labor of love and respect for the mastery and heritage encapsulated in each minuscule component of our cherished chronometers.

In conclusion, let us not view this inconvenience with disdain, but rather embrace it as an opportunity to once again commune with our mechanical companions. For in the quiet moments spent with our treasured timepieces, we are privy to a ballet of gears, a silent symphony played out in steel and jewels, a moment of intimacy with the genius of horological artisanship. Let us then proceed, with tools in hand and magnifiers affixed, to honor the grand tradition of timekeeping – even as we lament the pedestrian practicalities that necessitate our intervention.

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If you enjoyed this piece, or if you too find yourself in the throes of adjusting your own temporal masterpiece, do share your thoughts and experiences. The dialogue around the interplay of tradition, technology, and time is one that is ever-evolving, much like the masterpieces we so ardently admire and meticulously maintain.



Paolo Omodei-Zorini

Airline and helicopter Pilot. Flight Instructor, Examiner and Training Manager. UAS test pilot. Italian Red Cross Military Corps Reserve Officer.