The Global Standard and Database for Pet Health Data: PetCommunity

PetCommunity Writer
Published in
5 min readOct 17, 2018

“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”

- Mahatma Gandhi

For most of us, our pets are family. Together as pet owners, we contributed to the market size of pet health rocketing to $30 billion globally just last year.

Two-thirds of all homes worldwide own at least one pet. We love them, consider them members of our families, and we spend a whole lot of money on their health too.

Our fitness wearables and biometric trackers can measure much more than the steps we take–they can inform us about our sleep, tell us our heart-rate, and even warn us of future heart disease. While devices for pet health monitoring are available, there isn’t a viable solution nor data standard that provides a comprehensive look into pet health at an individual or geographic scale.

The Case for a Global Network of Pet Health Data

Together with available-in-market pet monitoring devices like smart collars and IoT devices, different players in pet healthcare and services can all be participants in creating a platform of pet health data, made accessible to all industry stakeholders. This include owners, veterinarians, pet retailers, breeders, kennels and shelters, industry (food/pharma) and insurance companies.

But why? What does this do?

Simple. Accessible pet health metrics can and will contribute to happier pets that live longer. By giving key stakeholders the opportunity to make data-driven decisions with a whole universe of pet health information, we’re confident we can change the way our pets live, for the better.

We are committed to fostering an open ecosystem that will lay the groundwork for participants to share and contribute data to a decentralized network for pet health data, in a secure, verifiable, and granular way, leading to health insights and improvements in pet well-being previously unimaginable. This starts with a global standard of data access that stars with PetCommunity.

The PetCommunity Ecosystem and the Blockchain

Introducing PetCommunity, the global and distributed ecosystem for pet health data. The emerging world of pet monitoring devices, along with the growing adoption of home sensors, and blockchain technology can all come together with the PetCommunity Ecosystem.

The team behind the inception of this project brings decades of experience working with pet and animal health. The team behind PetPace, a smart collar monitoring system that tracks vitals and metrics in cats and dogs, has turned to PetCommunity.

Where the work at PetPace was limited to individual pets and their owners, the PetCommunity can begin where PetPace ends, and grow a worldwide platform for all players in the world of pet health and well-being.

Beginning by leveraging a deep network of partnerships with stakeholders, spanning both contributors and providers of pet data, we plan to create, for the first time, an ecosystem open to all constituents in the pet world that allows them to communicate data effectively and reliably via a distributed ledger, utilizing blockchain technology. Essentially, this will be the first pet “big data” project using advanced cloud-based analytics to gain new insights to promote pet health.

The decentralization ecosystem for pet health stakeholders.

Using a public blockchain allows for the reputation, quality, and value of data to be governed through an open ecosystem.

PetCommunity views the development of its public blockchain PetCommunity Blockchain Network(PCBN) as the first step in creating a dynamic marketplace anchored by comprehensive pet health data. The vast majority of data available about pet health data is siloed and centralized to veterinarians and insurance companies, not unlike how human’s health records are siloed by EMRs and physicians. The lack of second or third order utilizations artificially limits the potential applications of this information.

The blockchain technology powering this network has a solution stack comprised of:

  • Identity Management: Users of the network have sovereignty over their own data. The technology allows data producers to control their own identity and share the information they choose between trusted community members, only with their consent.
  • Smart Contracts: Smart Contracts help manage identity by capturing data for pets. A variety of smart contracts govern the relationships between pet-to-pet data, and allow for credible transactions without third parties. These transactions are traceable and irreversible.
  • Proof of Value: Data added to PetCommunity can have varying degrees of value to stakeholders. Some data like pet vitals, disease management metrics, or activity metrics of certain pets may be more reliable than other data — making it more valuable to the ecosystem. As a result, PCBN can validate and certify data contributed by community members in order to better service data seekers and better incentivize data providers.

Powered by PETS Token

Stakeholders can utilize PETS (ERC20 token) to access the PetCommunity Platform. This is the unit utilized to transact within the PetCommunity Platform. PETS are disbursed when pet data is contributed into the community.

PetCommunity envisions a marketplace where data providers and users seamlessly buy and sell data based on dynamic data valuation formulas which adjust the pricing of data based on the economic utilization by stakeholders.

In order to compare their pet’s biometrics to all pets at large, owners can use the PET token to access data that they might find relevant to them. By compensating other users who have also contributed their pet’s data, pet owners are incentivized to collect and contribute their pet’s data to the PetCommunity network.

Read more about the PETS token and token structure in our white paper.

Let’s Give Pets a Voice

As we continue bridging the gap between a world without PetCommunity and a world with it, we invite you to learn more about our vision, background roadmap and solution stack. The project is awaiting you at our website. Download the whitepaper and join us online, where your questions will be answered with lightning fast speed.

Together, the future of pet health data is bright, and thus, so are the lives of the pets we love.

Follow us wherever you get your best token information!








PetCommunity Writer

We’re building the global decentralized database of pet health data and insights.