Interesting words: Bibulous

Peter Flom
Peter Flom — The Blog
1 min readMay 10, 2019


Photo by Elvis Bekmanis on Unsplash


Bibulous is an adjective that, according to Merriam Webster, means:

1 : highly absorbent
2 a : fond of alcoholic beverages
b : of, relating to, or marked by the consumption of alcoholic beverages.

I admit to never having seen the first usage, it seems to mainly be used in medical literature.


It’s been used in English for quite a while; according to the Online Etymology Dictionary it was first used in the 1670s and comes from Latin bibulous meaning “drinking readily”.


Why use it? It sounds so much nicer than “drunk’’ and is more specific in its meaning, as well.
Example use: It is widely reported that Christopher Hitchens was bibulous.


1 in about 24,000,000 words per Ngram viewer.

