Why you should subscribe to Medium

Peter Flom
Peter Flom — The Blog
2 min readSep 25, 2023


What my Medium home screen looks like
  1. It’s cheap. It’s just $5.00 per month. Depending on where you buy your coffee, that may be less than one cup of coffee! Or two cups! Anyway, it’s less than a week’s worth of coffee, unless ….. unless …. You don’t drink coffee! It’s OK if you don’t. Some nice people don’t. One of my sons doesn’t. And that means you have more money to subscribe to Medium!
  2. It helps pay writers and writers deserve to be paid. When a writer writes on Medium, they can either post it with open access (like this article) or behind a pay wall (like most of my articles). And we only get paid for the ones behind the pay wall.
  3. Medium just changed their system. They used to let people have 3 articles free. Now, they don’t. So … you need to pay to read anything that writers put behind a pay wall.
  4. There’s a LOT of content! I mean, really a lot. I couldn’t find exact statistics, but it’s thousands per day. And there are articles on everything. I just searched and found articles about abalone and zynga.
  5. Some of the writing is really good! OK, I’ll admit, not every article on Medium is fantastic. One thing is that you can publish pretty much anything you want. But you’ll almost certainly be able to find good writers on subjects you are interested in, and then you can subscribe to them.

