9 podcasts to give new insights on your pet business

Natacha Oliveira
Pethood by don Gata Studio
4 min readFeb 19, 2024


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It started in 2003 with Dave Winer — a software developer — creating the first audio RSS feed and Christopher Lydon, a former New York Times journalist, creating Radio Open Source, which is considered the first podcast.

This form of audio listening has been around for over twenty years but isn’t going out of use anytime soon.

According to a recent Nielsen study, podcasts have experienced a 45% growth in the last five years in the U.S. and more than doubled compared to the previous decade.

Though podcasting might not fit with every business, it’s still a powerful medium that has made its way through several industries, including the pet market.

Today, we dive into some great podcasts created by pet business experts who will inspire, motivate, and push you forward on your pet business journey. Maybe by the end of this post, you will want to create your own.

The Veterinary Rehabilitation

Dr. Megan Kelly is a veterinary rehabilitation therapist who helps others grow their careers in the veterinary rehabilitation niche.

In her podcast, you get a mixture of topics. Some are more practice-oriented, and some are broader subjects like business metrics, diversifying income, and the impact of social media.

The Purrrcast

Sadly, it ended last month.
Featured in the New York Times, it was founded in 2015 by Steven Ray Morris and Sara Iyer. This podcast is for all fellow cat lovers but also features some interviews with pet professionals.

Though it’s over by the time we’re writing this, there are more than 400 episodes to listen to.

The Pet Industry Podcast

BSM Partners started in 2011 as a consulting company focusing on pet food. It quickly incorporated an array of other pet-related expertise subjects into its portfolio, making it the massive consulting business it is today.

The Pet Industry is a podcast by BSM that touches on subjects such as female entrepreneurship for pets, veterinarians in pet retail, and other industry topics.

Boss Your Business: The Pet Boss Podcast

Candace D’Agnolo is a name that probably rings a bell to you, especially if you are American.

With vast experience owning and selling pet businesses in multiple niches, Candace created Pet Boss Nation to coach and teach others how to do the same successfully.

The Pet Boss Podcast mixtures advice, tips, and conversations with Candace and peers from various backgrounds.

Pet Sitter Confessional

With almost 500 episodes, the Pet Sitter Confessional podcast isn’t for the faintest of hearts.

Collin & Meghan Funkhouser, owners of Funky Bunch Pet Care and pet sitters with over ten years of experience, decided to share some stories, advice, and tips with other pet sitters to create a tight online community of like-minded professionals.

Digging Into the Pet Industry

Nancy Hassel is the founder and President of American Pet Professionals (APP), an organization created in 2009 to help entrepreneurs prosper in this industry.

In the podcast, Nancy talks to successful pet business owners, sharing knowledge and inside tips that you can apply to your company.

Pet Accountant

Vicky Clark and Lee Thomas are the partners at Thomas & Clark, an accountant firm in the United Kingdom.

Vicky created the podcast to help pet businesses navigate the world of finance, bookkeeping, and the not-so-fun but necessary bits of running a healthy pet business.

Dog Talk with Nick Benger

Expert dog trainer on Amazon’s TV series — The Pack — Nick Benger has worked with dogs since he was a teenager.

Based in Bristol, he focuses primarily on helping aggressive dogs rehabilitate, ensuring they have the life they deserve.

In this podcast, Nick interviews other dog behaviorists and trainers who share their unique perspectives about this dog world.

Wear Wag Repeat

Tori Mistick is a much-admired name in the U.S. pet industry. She started as a blogger and social media consultant in 2013 but quickly decided she wanted to help other women succeed in the industry.

In this podcast, named after her blog and online business, Tori talks with other inspiring female petpreneurs and shares her marketing knowledge so pet businesses like yours can thrive and grow.


Chances are there is a podcast for you on this list, regardless of whether you’re a veterinarian, pet sitter, marketer, or other pet-related professional. Take a deep dive and enjoy it with a long hot beverage in your hand.

If you’re a pet business owner with a podcast we haven’t mentioned, we would love to hear about it! Feel free to email or message us on one of our social media.

Also, we would love to help create a visual identity for a pet podcast or a YouTube channel. If you’re that person or know someone, also drop us a line.



Natacha Oliveira
Pethood by don Gata Studio

Independent Designer. Pancake lover. Proud owner of two sassy cats and don Gata Studio 🤓🐾