A Busy Few Months Ahead

Please be patient!

Suzy Jacobson Cherry
Petits Fours Magazine
Sent as a


3 min readFeb 14, 2024


The Chocolate Maker’s Shop at the Arizona Renaissance Festival, 2024 — photo by the author

It’s about time I published a newsletter so you all can know what’s happening! If you follow Brigid’s Arrow as well as Petits Fours, you’ll notice that this is basically the same newsletter. I promise it’s not laziness! I’m just working within a restricted time frame right now.

I am busy.

If I thought I was busy before I retired, I must have been wrong! I am busier now than I’ve ever been! I’m happy, too, because I would be unable to keep doing what I do if I wasn’t.

The first weekend in February was the opening weekend of the Arizona Renaissance Festival. This is my third year working at the Chocolate Shop at the Faire. We sell wonderful exclusive chocolate items that are only available at this Faire. The owner — and previously her parents — have been operating as private vendors for many years. Their special recipe of two different darks and one white chocolate is not available anywhere else, or any other time of the year.

I have a lot of fun working the shop. My sister has been working for a different vendor for about eight years. We camp together. This year, she bought a 1964 Shasta “canned ham” trailer, so we aren’t in tents this time around. I have to admit, it’s much more comfortable!

While I have lots of fun, I do get quite tired during the season. Between the weekends at the Faire and my day job at the school, I am putting in a lot of hours working for others. This leaves me little time for my own endeavors until the Faire ends. This year, it ends the last weekend in March.

At the Faire, I am Lady Blue, Bardess of the Lowlands. Last year, I wrote little ditties, sonnets, and cute little verses about chocolate. It was great fun, but my time is more limited this time around.

If you’re a new reader who wishes to write for Petits Fours, please go ahead and let me know. It may take me a day or so to get you added, but I’ll do it! I will respond to your request as soon as possible, and go back to update you once you’ve been added.

We should be able to have a full-on newsletter in March. If not, it will be April, but rest assured, it will happen. In the meantime, feel free to peruse the publication; go back as far as you can and enjoy!

Feel free to check out my other publications as well. They are Brigid’s Arrow and the newest — Sweet Paprika!

Here are a few shots from the past two weekends at the Arizona Renaissance Festival

I adopted a lonely Changeling child at the Den of Odd!



Suzy Jacobson Cherry
Petits Fours Magazine

Writer. Educator. Priestess. Not bound by genre. Founder & Editor of Brigid's Arrow and Petits Fours; Editor of Bouncin & Behavin Poems