First Kiss

Akshaya Shankar
Petits Fours Magazine
2 min readApr 19, 2024

That dreamy evening, I was basking in his presence, next to him in the same room. Privacy was a luxury. Even though we would only just talk, with or without privacy, it felt like only when we were the only people in the room, could I feel his aura to the fullest.

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We have always been Tom and Jerry. I think that’s what adds the sheer sweetness to what we share. That day though, I was at a state of bliss. A certain state where you no longer worry about ego, or winning or losing- a state of unwinding.

So I decided to let it out, only to struggle for words later…

“You are an amazing person,” I said. He just stared out the window.

“Anybody would be glad to have you as their life partner.”

Before he could jump in to make fun of me for the umpteenth time saying I had fallen for him, I had to cover it up. Without missing a beat, I said,

“Umm so, it also depends on the kind of person…”

He was still staring out, seemingly lost in deep thought.

“If you give diamonds to a hungry person, they might not appreciate it”

I was only making it worse. “Did I just compare him to diamonds, goddamnnnn!” I thought.

“No, I’m not saying you’re a diamond, my point is-”

He kissed me shut. He’s had enough.

