Ice Boy

Akshaya Shankar
Petits Fours Magazine
2 min readJun 6, 2024
Ice Boy- A Short Story. Created by author using Bing.

She ran with a speed so fast that when he unexpectedly stopped and turned to her, she lost her balance and fell right on him, pushing them both to the ground.

There was heavy laughter, which grew heavier by the second- intoxicating the air around.

"You are a snowball," he said.
"No," she snapped, still trying to catch her breath from all the running and laughing.

"Yes you are. A big avalanche. Just a stupid round snowball,” he picked her further.

"NOOO, shut upp!” she screamed, her lungs now almost giving up.

"You almost killed me — ”

Gina pulled him closer in lightning speed but was quick enough to stop him just an inch away from her lips.

"No," she whispered as she softly closed her eyes. A wave of regret seemed to sweep over her face.

As she tried to pull herself back, John pulled her back in within a blink of an eye, quiet commendably maintaining that same one inch gap.

Gina bored into his eyes, those sparkling blue eyes seemed to be as deep as the ocean itself. She was definitely having a war within.

Gina softly closed his lips with her left hand, his eyes with her right. She pulled herself back a bit.

She closed his face with both her palms.

"Whizzzzzzz," John breathed out indicating that she was gently suffocating him!

They chuckled. Gina stood up and walked away with sad eyes and a deep stifling pain in her heart that probably, only her Creator might understand.

