Inu’s Baby

Ariani Kartika
Petits Fours Magazine
2 min readMar 23, 2024
Photo by Garvit Nama on Unsplash

Inu stared at her 2-week-old baby, who was sucking hard on her nipple. There was bliss that flowed together when the milk came out and was sucked feverishly by a tiny mouth.

The baby fell asleep after his belly was full. He looked calm and peaceful in his deep sleep. Inu kissed the baby, inhaling its scent deeply. The baby’s smell was the best.

Inu looked at the night sky. It was pitch black, with only one or two small stars. She hoped that the night would remain long, the sun would never appear, and the morning would never greet her.

Inu wanted an endless night. She wanted the night to last forever so she could continue to hug and kiss her baby. She tried to stay awake because she didn’t want to lose a second of being with her baby. But finally, she fell asleep, too.

A gentle tug on her nipple woke Inu up. The baby came with an amazing instinct to find his mother’s nipple.

When Inu opened her eyes, the eastern horizon was already slightly brighter. Fear started to creep in. Not long after, two well-built men burst in.

“Don’t take my baby away…” Inu begged.

They roughly snatched Inu’s baby. Inu screamed, cried, and begged, but they didn’t care.

For the next few weeks, the villagers could hear the sad moans and angry groans from Inu, a mother cow whose calf was taken away. If you listen carefully, you will feel her pain, like a knife stabbed straight into your chest.

The poor farmer couldn’t afford to feed an extra cow, even if it was only a calf, so he had to let the baby go. That poor man broke his heart, too.



Ariani Kartika
Petits Fours Magazine

Already left a 9-5 job, pursuing semi-retired life with writing and making artisan soaps.