Baltimore Oriole. Image credit the BioDiversity Heritage Library.

About Petness

Rationale for Creating This Publication

Louise Peacock
Published in
2 min readMar 8, 2021


After I started my publication, Catness, for cats, I decided to have a publication especially for animals, pets, that were not cats.

Sure — I could have had Catness cover everything, but thanks to being a bit OCD, that was not going to work for me. So, Petness.

At first I thought I would call it Dogness. But then I thought of all the companion and other non-dog animals I have known over the years, and I thought I should make it more general.

For example — I had a horse for a long time, I have assorted friends with horses, donkeys and ponies.

I even have a nephew with a pet snake (okay — so not for me …but). I have had friends with pet rabbits, hamsters etc.

Then what about members of the wildlife family? Perhaps not strictly companion animals, but part of our lives. We have various migrating birds that use our garden for a nesting place every year. The list goes on.

Anyway, I felt that Petness would be a great place for stories people had to tell about various animals.

So, if you have a story or an anecdote about an animal or animals that you would like to tell, or maybe photographs, or sketches of them, please join at Petness as a writer, and share with us.

Please note that we only accept unpublished drafts. You will need to submit unpublished drafts for our consideration.

A tame Chipmunk visiting with a client of mine. Photo by Louise Peacock.



Louise Peacock

Louise Peacock is a writer, garden designer, Reiki practitioner, singer-songwriter & animal activist. Favorite insult “Eat cake & choke” On Medium since 2016.