Can you care for a rabbit?

Tiff keeler
Published in
4 min readJan 11, 2023

Rabbits are amazing alternative animals. Unfortunately, many people don’t know how to care for them properly. Even when you go into a pet store, they give you the wrong information.

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Outdoor vs. indoor rabbits.

It’s alright to have rabbits outside, depending on where you live. Having a Rabbit outside can be dangerous. They have a chance of being attacked by predators. Not to mention extreme weather conditions. If you live in a state where it’s scorching, it can damage the rabbit’s health, the same with a cold place. Plus, lots of people keep rabbits in small hutches outside. There needs to be more space for them. If you don’t want them in your home, you can always give them a space in the garage or a shed. Make sure to make it a safe space for them and regulate their body temperature. As for indoor rabbits, it’s a lot safer inside altogether. There is no threat of predators, and the temperature is constantly regulated since that’s where you spend your time. Lots of pet owners that keep them inside usually keep them in tiny cages. Same thing with having a hutch. They need more space. A better option if you want to keep them inside but in a confined space is to use pet panels to make a space where they have enough room but still can’t escape. Remember, rabbits can jump high, so you need something they can’t jump over.

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Dangers of releasing into the wild.

Many pet owners release their rabbits into the wild if they can’t take care of them anymore. I understand the thought process but they are domestic Rabbits not wild. They would have a tough time living in the wild and probably die almost immediately. If you can’t take care of your bunny anymore, bring them to a shelter or post them on a site to sell. If you sell, make sure no one buys them for snake food.

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In the rabbit community, lots of owners opt to free-roam them. If you need to know what free-roaming is, it lets them go anywhere they want in your home. Free roaming adds lots of great lifestyle options for the bunny. For example, they can get as much exercise as they wish. They can also bond with you more since you’re sharing space. You can also keep a better eye on them since you will share a room. Some people don’t have the option to free-roam, so in those cases, it’s better to have them live in a spacious, secure pen.

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Litter training.

Lots of people aren’t aware that rabbits are very intelligent animals. They can be litterbox trained. How people may prepare their rabbits. If they take a paper towel, making sure it has urine and put it in the litter so they can smell it? Make sure there is also hay with the litter since they like to eat hay while they go to the bathroom. Eventually, they will know that that’s where they are supposed to go.

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Having another rabbit is suitable for companionship. Also, if you’re not home often, another rabbit helps with loneliness. Lots of pet owners can’t afford or take care of two or more rabbits. Rabbits usually need as much attention as a dog. They need daily interaction. Having another rabbit will help, but your rabbit still needs your attention. If you don’t give your rabbit attention, there’s a high chance of them not bonding with you.

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Tiff keeler
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aspiring writer, trying to make a living off of doing what I love.