Dog’s Never Tell Our Secrets, Is That Why We Love Them So Much?

After years of begging, I finally got my dream dog.

Karen Schwartz


Author with her beloved pet, Maggie. Photo by Author.

What happens when your parents tell you that you can’t have a dog? If you’re anything like me, you end up acting like one.

Call it love for these four-legged creatures or immaturity, but I liked to view life from their vantage point. Often crawling around on all fours wagging a pinned-on raccoon’s tail, I played and scribbled about all things dog-related. No one could miss my passion without turning a blind eye. Pegged by all to become a future veterinarian, my life before seven rendered me dog-less.

Then one day, Buffy came into my life, and everything changed. But not for long.

She was an adorable thing — black with a white patch on her chest, wavy hair, and wet. As she sat on the living room carpet wrapped in a towel, my parents beamed at their offering. I don’t remember what changed their mind, but I didn’t care, she was mine, and I was going to love her forever. While my parents took the plunge, looking back, I’m not sure they thoroughly thought it out because while we now were official pet owners, we weren’t quite sure what that entailed.

Buffy was my companion and soul mate, but on the first day, when everybody left the house for work and…



Karen Schwartz

Children's picture book author, fiction writer, personal essayist, kindness specialist, and lover of chocolate.